Adaptive automation systems based on brain-computer interfaces

Automation is at the heart of most technologies we use in our daily life, with applications ranging from automotive (e.g., manual vs. automatic transmission system and autopilots) and household appliances (e.g., kettle, washing machine) to industrial machinery and healthcare systems (e.g., patient monitoring, autonomous surgery). Reducing the need for human intervention in automated processes brings …

EIC Summit 2022

The European Innovation Council hosted its flagship event on 7-8 December 2022 in Brussels. All SYMBIOTIK PIs attended the event. The summit was a great event for networking. We met some colleagues we haven’t seen in 2-3 years (because of COVID), so it was totally worth it. We also leveraged this opportunity to attend the …

Kick-off meeting

The consortium PIs and members met for the first time on October 10, 2022. We had lots of interesting discussions and are eager to start working together! We also hosted Francisco Melo from Luxinnovation, the National Contact Point for Horizon Europe. Francisco gave a presentation about his team and their work.

In the news

The University of Luxembourg has officially announced the project: EIC Pathfinder grant for research in AI-driven data visualisation […]